Monday, April 25, 2011
XO, Thanks for hanging by me!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
2010 Reading (Part 2)
Jumping off Swings Jo Knowles A
What Kind of Love Sheila Cole B
An off Year Claire Zulkey B
Hold Still Nina LaCour B
Weirdest Creatures Mary Packard B
Strange School Stories Mary Packard B
Creepy Stuff Mary Packard B
Ashes Kathryn Lasky B
Stupid Cupid Rhonda Stapleton A
By the Time You Read This I'll be Dead Julie Anne Peters A
The Camp-Out Mystery Gertrude Chandler Warner A
Runaway Meg Cabot A
Wifey Judy Blume A
Mystery Behind the Wall Gertrude Chandler Warner A
Hidden Beach Mystery Gertrude Chandler Warner A
A Spy in the House Y.S. Lee A
Saving Grace Darlene Ryan B
Alice: A visual companion Mark Salisbury A
Taken by Storm Angela Morrison A
Sing me to Sleep Angela Morrison A
Shopaholic Takes Manhattan Sophie Kinsella A
The Weirdest of the Weird Mary Packard B
Not Quite What I Was Planning Smith Magazine A
Julius Caesar Shakespeare C
Love You Hate You Miss You Elizabeth Scott A
Fences August Wilson A
Boy Toy Barry Lyga B
Princess for Hire Lindsey Leavitt B
Shopaholic Ties the Knot Sophie Kinsella B
Wish Alexandra Bullen B
Saturday, January 15, 2011
2010 Reading
My Big Nose and Other Natural Disasters Sydney Salter B
Too Late the Phalarope Alan Paton A
Beautiful Americans Lucy Silag A
Tricks Ellen Hopkins A
Skeleton Creek Patrick Carman B
Ghost in the Machine Patrick Carman B
The Comeback Marlene Perez A
In Your Room Jordanna Fraiberg B
The V Club Kate Brian B
Heartless Sara Shepard A
Pefect You Elizabeth Scott A
In a Heartbeat Loretta Ellsworth A
The Bungalow Mystery Carolyn Keene A
Wanderlust Lucy Silag B
Chasing Brooklyn Lisa Schroeder A
Girl on the Other Side Deborah Kerbel B
Give up the Ghost Megan Crewe C
20 Boy Summer Sarah Ocklear B
After Amy Efaw A
Skinny Dipping Melissa de la Cruz A
Of All the Stupid Things Alexandra Diaz C
Touch Francine Prose B
Inexcusable Chris Lynch C
Wish you were dead Todd Strasser B
Little Black Lies Tish Cohen B
Second Summer of the Sisterhood Ann Brashears A
North of Beautiful Justina Chen Headley C
Beautiful Stranger Zoey Dean B
Girl Stays in the Picture Melissa de la Cruz B
The Diamonds Ted Michael C
The Snowball Effect Holly Nicole Hoxter A
Beautiful Amy Reed B
Twelfth Night Shakespeare C
LA Candy Lauren Conrad A
Invisible I Stella Lennon C
Planet Pregnancy Linda Oatman High A
The Ex Games Jennifer Echols A
Friday, December 25, 2009
Holiday Newsletter Part Four
My grandmother thought she was genius one year and conned my dad into transposing music geared towards the different instruments my family members used to play (or at least play less frequently) so that we could play Christmas carols. It started off as a present to my grandfather (I'm sure he's happy to be going deaf now when the holidays come around) and turned into tradition. Let's just say that we maybe meet once - usually not all of us - to practice and then it's the big performance. I play the glockenspiel - which is basically a bells set. Always makes the holidays a hoot around my house.
This is where we make a playlist for a book we read. If you want to make one email Ashley or Laina.
Title: Breaking up is Really Really Hard to Do
Author: Natalie Stanford
The tunes:
1. Without You- Hinder
2. Fearless- Taylor Swift
3. Here comes Goodbye- Rascal Flatts
4. If I Were a Boy- Beyonce
5. Seventeen Forever- Metro Station
6. Love Like This- Natasha Bedingfield
7. Missing You- Black Eyed Peas
8. Give me the Meltdown- Rob Tomas
9. Meet me Halfway- Black Eyed Peas
10. Feelings show- Colbie Caillat
Please welcome new crew member, Chase.
This month, I’ll be spotlighting 2 books that will be adapted into movies in 2010. Enjoy!

Author: Rick Riordan
Summary: Percy Jackson is about to be kicked out of boarding school… again. And that’s the least of his troubles. Lately, mythological monsters and the gods of Mount Olympus seem to be walking straight out of the pages of Percy’s Greek mythology textbook and into his life. And worse, he’s angered a few of them. Zeus’s master lightning bolt has been stolen, and Percy is the prime suspect.
Now Percy and his friends have just ten days to find and return Zeus’s stolen property and bring peace to a warring Mount Olympus. But to succeed on his quest, Percy will have to do more than catch the true thief: he must come to terms with the father who abandoned him; solve the riddle of the Oracle, which warns him of betrayal by a friend; and unravel a treachery more powerful than the gods themselves.
The Lightning Thief is the first book in the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series. Ever since this book was released, it’s been getting rave reviews. So it doesn’t really come as a surprise that it would be made into a movie someday. Filled with action, humor, and tons of pop culture references, this book is sure to appeal to readers. I absolutely love the film poster because I thought it was homage to the book cover. Well, sort of...

Author: Nicholas Sparks
Summary: Seventeen year old Veronica "Ronnie" Miller's life was turned upside-down when her parents divorced and her father moved from New York City to Wilmington, North Carolina. Three years later, she remains angry and alienated from her parents, especially her father... until her mother decides it would be in everyone's best interest if she spent the summer in Wilmington with him. Ronnie's father, a former concert pianist and teacher, is living a quiet life in the beach town, immersed in creating a work of art that will become the centerpiece of a local church. The tale that unfolds is an unforgettable story of love on many levels - first love, love between parents and children - that demonstrates, as only a Nicholas Sparks novel can, the many ways that love can break our hearts...and heal them.
Now who doesn’t like a good ol’ love story? (Well, some guys don’t, but personally I think they’re just pretending to hate it when in fact they read romances under their covers with a flashlight
10 Reasons I Love Christmas by Laura Wiess
- Tis the season to wear velvet, fa la la la la, la la la la. (Soft, plush and luxurious: I indulged in a funky, black velvet maxi coat this year and I swear I'm going to wear it until falls off of me in rags.)
- My sister's Christmas cookie extravaganza. (She bakes - I'm not kidding - something like 35 different kinds of cookies, with like four dozen each. And then she gives them all away! I love my sister.)
- Snow on Christmas Eve. (Okay, that's never a sure thing but there was snow last year and it was magical, so I'm hoping it happens again.)
- Donating to my favorite charities, including the Humane Society, assorted animal rescues, the local soup kitchen, and the Salvation Army bell-ringers standing outside of the stores. (I never miss an S.A. basket. I figure if they can stand out in the freezing cold for hours on end, trying to help people, then the very least I can do is oblige them.)
- Scoring what I hope is the perfect gift for someone, then watching them open it, and seeing that yes, it really was.
- Christmas carols and church bells. Both make me cry. So do holiday movies. I'm a total sap this time of year, and I love it all. Especially this one: here
- Walking into my parents' house calling, "Merry Christmas!" and hearing my family call back. (I love the happy welcome and the smiles in their voices.)
- Family, friends, kindness, laughter and Santa. And the jingle horse.
- Decorating the tree, and the memories that come with each of the ornaments
- A crisp, clear, night sky full of stars, a fireplace with a crackling fire, cats curled up sleeping, a tree with twinkling lights, laughter, fresh coffee, good music, a heart full of joy, peace and gratitude, and a wish that everyone and everything everywhere is warm, well-fed and loved. Happy holidays!
Laura Wiess is the author of the critically acclaimed novel Such a Pretty Girl, Leftovers and most recently How It Ends. Visit Laura at or for more info.
Win one of 3 of her signed books for the 25 Guests of Christmas. The link for the contest is
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Holiday Newsletter Part Three
~ Jordyn couldn’t finish Breaking Dawn! See why here.

~ Defenders of the Scroll reviewed here.
~ Vamped reviewed here.

~ Nothing Like You reviewed here.
~ Secrets of Truth and Beauty reviewed here.

~ Invisible I: The Amanda Project reviewed here.
~ Handcuffs reviewed here.

~ Fat Cat reviewed here.
~ Struts and Frets reviewed here.

~ Shrinking Violet reviewed here.
~ Beautiful Creatures reviewed here.

~ The Espressologist reviewed here.
I polled readers on what they would buy for certain age groups this year for Christmas. Here are some results.
3-6 years old:

A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon
Slinky Malinki by Lynley Dodd

Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Book by Lauren Child

Today I Will Fly! by Mo Willems
Newton by Rory Tyger

The Tangerine Bear by Betty Paraskevas
Mona the Monster Girl by Moritz Petz

The Frog Princess by Rosalind Alchin
Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert

When Will It Snow? by Bruce Hiscock
Curious George by H. A. Rey

The Snow Bear by Miriam Moss
Mo's Stinky Sweater by David Bedford
7-9 years old:

Letters from Camp by Kate & Sarah Klise
Rainbow Magic by Daisy Meadows
Mary Margaret Mary Christmas by Christine Kole macLean
Any of the Bailey School Kids books

10-12 years old:
The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau

Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls by Meg Cabot
I So Don't Do Spooky by Barrie Summy
Anything by Lloyd Alexander

Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot
Witch Twins by Adele Griffin

Love That Dog by Sharon Creech
Punished by David Lubar

The Anybodies by N. E. Bode
13-15 years old:
Harry Potter series by JK Rowling

Zombie Queen of Newbury High by Amanda Ashby
Demon Princess by Michelle Rowen

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
Peace, Love, and Baby Ducks by Lauren Myracle

Long Live the Queen by Ellen Emerson White
City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare

The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
Shadowland by Alyson Noel

Bad Blood by Mari Mancusi
Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead

Cliquetionary by Lisi Harrison
Bewitching Season by Marissa Doyle
Betraying Season by Marissa Doyle

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer
Oh.My.Gods by Tera Lynn Childs

Be Strong and Curvaceous by Shelley Adina
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Holiday Newsletter Part Two
We are starting to have a new thing. Bloggers and authors can advertise here. Don’t advertise random blogs. You may advertise contests, new features, challenges, read-a-longs, releases, etc.
- The challenge is called 30 Books to Movies, and it will run from 1 Jan 2010 to 31 Dec 2010. The goal is to read 30 books that have been adapted to movies, and watch said movies. Participants who own a blog have to post the review of BOTH the book and movie on their blog. At the end of the challenge, I'll randomly pick 2 participants to receive some goodies. Those who are interested can check out the details here:
- Jill is hosting 25 Days of Christmas. What is this exactly? Each day in December until the 25th there will be one or more authors or bloggers sharing their favorite things about the holidays or sharing favorite memories, recipes, songs, etc. It started December 1st so be sure to go get caught up! She has many contests and chances to win awesome things. So be sure to check it all out here.

Laura L. Smith
It's a risky thing to look at depression in a positive light. This illness, which is the leading cause of disability worldwide, threatens lives, steals hope, and destroys the spirit of the afflicted one.
But it can also be an opportunity for growth. Light and life can be brighter and stronger if the spiritual roots of depression are addressed and resolved. Through her personal journey, Sharon Fawcett reveals how.

Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

By Patti Bongiorno
We all like recipes! This is the place where authors share a recipe that reminds them of their book. For this issue Heidi R. Kling is sharing a Sea related one
Trust me. See below:
Orange Popsicles
These are related to Sea. Trust me in a big way, okay?
1. So first you find orange juice. Organic, fresh-squeezed is the best. Bright color. Firm packaging. Not from concentrate.
2. Pour juice into six of those Tupperware things.
3. Then stick in a stick. Or a plastic pop-stick thing. Also Tupperware.
4. Freeze.
5. . Wait. Wait. Wait. (Hours go bye. Maybe days.)
6. Done!
7. Rinse under cold water. Yank. Yes, I know it's stuck. Pull harder. There you go.
Don't get your tongue stuck on the ice, cuz I've done it and it hurts.
It's stuck isn't it? Okay, stick your mouth under the water. Better? Okay.
Now lick.
Is it sweet and sour at the same time? Do you taste sun rays and longing
and everything good about summer?
Then you've tasted one of Spider and Sienna's orange popsicles!
Enjoy the Haze.*
*Yes, I know that makes NO sense. You'll have to read the book to find out
what it means.
Happy Holidaze!
Stay tuned for Part Three!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Holiday Newsletter Part One

*Many books are being given away here.
*Win one of six books here.
*Thirteen Wicked Days of Christmas here.
*Many books here.
*Lara Adrian contest here.
We're Reading:
*Ashley is reading Just One Wish by Janette Rallison
*Laina is reading another random, tacky romance :)

*Liyana is reading Violet Wings by Victoria Hanley
*By the Book just finished Play Me by Laura Ruby
*Shannon is reading Betrayed by P. C. Cast and Kristin Cast
*First Daughter is reading Hummingbirds by Joshua Gaylord

*Lauren is reading Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler
*Jessica is reading Girl in the Arena by Lise Haines

*Jenn is reading Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater
*Katie is reading Betrayals by Lili St. Crow

*Smart Girls is reading Pursuit of Love by Nancy Mitford
*Kim is reading Fallen by Lauren Kate

*Jez is reading LIAR by Justine Larbalestier
*Ryan is reading Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace

*Melanie is reading Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
New Releases
Blood Ninja - Nick Lake (1)

Beautiful Creatures - Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl (1)

Fallen - Lauren Kate (8)
The Pillow Book of Lotus Lowenstein - Libby Schmais (8)
Darklight - Lesley Livingston (22)

VIP Lounge - Ed Decker (22)
Of All the Stupid Things - Alexandra Diaz (22)
The Dark Divine - Bree Despain (22)

Scones and Sensibility - Lindsay Eland (22)
Magic Under Glass - Laclyn Dolamore (22)
Stupid Cupid - Rhonda Stapleton (22)
Wanderlust - Lucy Silag (24)
My Soul To Save - Rachel Vincent (29)

Tangled - Carolyn Mackler (29)
Stay tuned for part two!